
repo: https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide


Zoxide is a tool that remembers previous paths that you have been to through cd, allowing you to more easily navigate between directories. It can be aliased to cd so that it essentially functions like a smarter version of the same command.


For zoxide itself cargo install zoxide --locked

For fzf sudo apt install fzf

Within .zshrc

eval "$(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)"

Note that this will allow for the use of cd as normal, so that on systems that do not have zoxide installed, cd muscle memory is maintained.


z foo              # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo
z foo bar          # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo and bar
z foo /            # cd into a subdirectory starting with foo

z ~/foo            # z also works like a regular cd command
z foo/             # cd into relative path
z ..               # cd one level up
z -                # cd into previous directory

zi foo             # cd with interactive selection (using fzf)

z foo<SPACE><TAB>  # show interactive completions (zoxide v0.8.0+, bash 4.4+/fish/zsh only)

Linked Documentation

Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aghxkpyRVDY